Enroll Now for our 2024-2025 school year! Online Registration has closed. To register please call or text 904-287-8603.


KidzArt offers after-school classes at many schools in St. Johns County for students in Kindergarten* through Grade 5. These classes are held at the school immediately after the school day’s end and last for one hour.

At KidzArt, our students are introduced to a personal “tool box” of creative skills. Through our interactive class format, they learn how to use these tools to access the power of their imagination! Students begin to express their ideas freely and overcome the impulse to judge themselves…we help build self confidence through self-expression! Art is all about feeling the freedom to take risks, to explore the unknown, and to trust your own judgement…because when you are free to dream, you find the power to create!

*NOTE FOR KINDERGARTNERS – While the Fall Session is limited to Grades 1-5, Kindergarteners may be enrolled in the Spring Session at any time.


  • Classes take place right on campus! Classes are held in a classroom on campus and students are collected by KidzArt instructors in our designated area. Students are always supervised.
  • All supplies are provided! Classes are 1-hour long, and typically held in 13-17 week long semesters. All materials will be provided by your child’s KidzArt instructor.
  • A new project every week! Projects never repeat and you can view photos of our classes throughout the year on our Facebook Page!

Enroll Online


Click your child's school below to enroll in a KidzArt after-school class online!

*Please note that certain schools charge a separate annual Registration Fee of $25 for all NON-Extended Day students. You can click the link on each school for more info about this fee and how to pay:

**Please note that for Valley Ridge Academy, an annual Registration Fee of $75 is required to be paid to the school for all NON-Extended Day students participating in after-school enrichment. Click here for more information about the VRA fee and how to pay.

***Village Extended Day Services now requires all students attending enrichments to pay a registration fee of $25.00, fill out these forms (form 1 & form 2) and email them to enrichments@villageextendedday.com

This fee is required by those specific schools and payment must be arranged through their extended day office directly. Thank you!

Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for the latest updates!


Project Previews

For the 2024-25 School Year

So that every student can experience as much art as possible, each session contains 3 separate themed "Units". Each unit includes a variety of projects within a topic, including but not limited to: watercolor paints, marker, colored pencil, collage, acrylic/tempera paints, pastels, and more! The session will be split up into the following three themed units:

Fall Session

Unit 1- Sweet Treats

The first third of our Fall Semester will focus on artwork inspired by colorful, delicious treats! Artwork that looks good enough to eat! 

Unit 2- Planes, Trains, & Automobiles

During the next third of our Fall Semester, we will explore several fun modes of transportation as we draw vehicles that zip, zoom, and fly!

Unit 3- Plant Life

For the final third of the Fall Semester, students create works of art inspired by nature.

Spring Session

Unit 1- At the Circus

The first third of our Spring Semester will focus on creating artwork inspired by the colors and fun of the circus! Art under the Big Top!

Unit 2- Color Explosion!

During the next third of our Spring Semester, we will create awesome art with TONS of color!!

Unit 3- Tropical Paradise

For the final third of the Spring Semester, students will escape to a tropical oasis as we create art as hot as a day at the beach!

Class Calendars

School Procedures

PLEASE NOTE - At all schools, please make sure that whoever is picking up your child brings a form of ID to show our Instructors, and that they are on your child's authorized pickup list with KidzArt. Email (help.stjohns@kidzart.com) or call us (904-287-8603) if there are any changes to your authorized pickup list.

To see all necessary After-School Enrichment procedures for your child's KidzArt class, please find your child's school in the list below!

Cunningham Creek Elementary

  • KidzArt Classes at CCE take place on Tuesdays from 3-4pm
  • When school dismisses, students will gather in the Cafeteria where they will meet their KidzArt instructor. They will then be escorted to the Art Room where class is held.
  • At 4pm, students who are in the extended day program will return back to their extended day classrooms and any child that is to be picked up will be escorted by their instructor to the Bus loop (to the RIGHT of the school entrance).
  • The "Parent Pickup" loop is reserved for Ext Day pick up only. Please use the Bus loop for enrichment pickup. Just pull your car up and we'll bring your child right out to you.
  • If your child does NOT attend Extended Day, please arrive to pick them up no later than 4:10pm. Students who have not been picked up by 4:10pm may be taken to Extended Day, where additional fees from the school may apply.


Durbin Creek Elementary

  • KidzArt Classes at DCE take place on Fridays from 3-4pm
  • When school dismisses, all after-school enrichment students will meet their instructor in the cafeteria, where we will take attendance before escorting students to our classroom.
  • At 4pm, students who are in the extended day program will return to their extended day classrooms and any child that is to be picked up will be escorted by their instructor to the Bus loop (to the LEFT of the front office, facing the school). Just pull your car up in front of the school and we'll bring your child right out to you.
  • If your child does NOT attend Extended Day, please arrive to pick them up no later than 4:10pm. Students who have not been picked up by 4:10pm may be taken to Extended Day, where additional fees from the school may apply.


Freedom Crossing Academy

  • KidzArt Classes at FCA take place on Thursdays from 2:35pm-3:35pm
  • When school dismisses, all after-school enrichment students will meet their instructor in the cafeteria, where we will take attendance before escorting students to our classroom.
  • At 3:35pm, students who are in the extended day program will return to their extended day classrooms and any child that is to be picked up will be escorted by their instructor to the parent pick up loop. Just pull your car up in front of the school and we'll bring your child right out to you.
  • If your child does NOT attend Extended Day, please arrive to pick them up no later than 3:45pm. Students who have not been picked up by 3:45pm may be taken to Extended Day, where additional fees from the school may apply.


Hickory Creek Elementary

  • KidzArt Classes at HCE take place on Fridays from 3-4pm
  • When school dismisses, all after-school enrichment students will meet their instructor in the cafeteria, where we will take attendance before escorting students to our classroom.
  • At 4pm, students who are in the extended day program will return to their extended day classrooms and any child that is to be picked up will be escorted by their instructor to the parent pick up loop. Just pull your car up in front of the school and we'll bring your child right out to you.
  • If your child does NOT attend Extended Day, please arrive to pick them up no later than 4:10pm. Students who have not been picked up by 4:10pm may be taken to Extended Day, where additional fees from the school may apply.


Julington Creek Elementary

  • KidzArt Classes at JCE take place on Tuesdays from 3-4pm
  • When school dismisses, all after-school enrichment students will meet their instructor in the cafeteria, where we will take attendance before escorting students to our classroom.
  • At 4pm when class ends, students who are in the extended day program will be escorted back to their extended day classrooms and any child that is to be picked up will be escorted by their instructor to the parent pick up loop. Just pull your car up in front of the school where you see other cars lining up and we'll bring your child right out to you.
  • If your child does NOT attend Extended Day, please arrive to pick them up no later than 4:10pm. Students who have not been picked up by 4:10pm may be taken to Extended Day, where additional fees from the school may apply.

Lakeside Academy

  • KidzArt Classes at LPA take place on Tuesdays from 3:15-4:15pm.
  • Details coming soon.


Liberty Pines Elementary

  • KidzArt Classes at LPA take place on Tuesdays from 3-4pm.
  • When school dismisses, all after-school enrichment students will meet their instructor in the cafeteria, where we will take attendance before escorting students to our classroom.
  • At 4pm, students who are in the extended day program will return back to their extended day classrooms and any child that is to be picked up will be waiting just inside the extended day pick-up area. Just enter the school where the extended day students release, and you will sign your child out with the extended day staff.
  • If your child does NOT attend Extended Day, please arrive to pick them up no later than 4:10pm. Students who have not been picked up by 4:10pm may be taken to Extended Day, where additional fees from the school may apply.


Ocean Palms Elementary

  • KidzArt Classes at OPE take place on Fridays from 3-4pm.
  • When school dismisses, all after-school enrichment students will meet their instructor in the cafeteria, where we will take attendance before escorting students to our classroom.
  • At 4pm, students who are in the extended day program will return back to their extended day classrooms and any child that is to be picked up will be escorted by their instructor to the parent pick up loop. Just pull your car up in front of the school where you see other cars lining up and we'll bring your child right out to you.
  • If your child does NOT attend Extended Day, please arrive to pick them up no later than 4:10pm. Students who have not been picked up by 4:10pm may be taken to Extended Day, where additional fees from the school may apply.


Palencia Elementary

  • KidzArt Classes at PES take place on Mondays from 3-4pm.
  • When school dismisses, all after-school enrichment students will meet their instructor in the cafeteria, where we will take attendance before escorting students to our classroom.
  • At 4pm, students who are in the extended day program will be escorted back to their extended day classrooms, and any child that is to be picked up will be escorted by their instructor to the pickup area nearest to the cafeteria. Just pull your car up in front of the school on the cafeteria side (this is also the area where extended day pick up is) and we'll bring your child right out to you.
  • If your child does NOT attend Extended Day, please arrive to pick them up no later than 4:10pm. Students who have not been picked up by 4:10pm may be taken to Extended Day, where additional fees from the school may apply.


Palm Valley Academy

  • KidzArtClasses at PVA take place on Mondays from 3:15pm - 4:15pm.
  • When school dismisses, all after-school enrichment students will meet their instructor in the cafeteria, where we will take attendance before escorting students to our classroom.
  • At 4:15pm, students who are in the extended day program will return to their extended day classrooms, and any child that is to be picked up will be escorted by their instructor to the PARENT PICKUP loop (to the RIGHT of the front office, in front of the cafeteria). Just pull your car up in front of the school and we'll bring your child right out to you.
  • If your child does NOT attend Extended Day, please arrive to pick them up no later than 4:25pm. Students who have not been picked up by 4:25pm may be taken to Extended Day, where additional fees from the school may apply.


Patriot Oaks Academy

  • KidzArt Classes at POA take place on Wednesdays from 2-3pm.
  • At 3pm, any child that is to be picked up will be escorted by their instructor to the Red Lot pickup loop (to the RIGHT side of the main entrance). Just pull your car up in front of the school where you see other cars lining up and we'll bring your child right out to you.
  • If your child does NOT attend Extended Day, please arrive to pick them up no later than 3:10pm. Students who have not been picked up by 3:10pm may be taken to Extended Day, where additional fees from the school may apply.


Pine Island Academy

  • KidzArt Classes at PIA take place on Wednesdays from 1:35-2:35pm, and 2:50-3:50pm (for Ext Day students)
  • When school dismisses, all after-school enrichment students will meet their instructor in the cafeteria, where we will take attendance before escorting students to our classroom.
  • PLEASE NOTE: There are two back-to-back KidzArt classes at PIA. Typically, non-extended day students take the 1:35-2:35PM class, while extended day students take the 2:50-3:50PM class.
  • At the end of class, students who are in the extended day program will return to their extended day classrooms, and any child that is to be picked up will be escorted by their instructor to the BUS loop (to the RIGHT of the front office). Just pull your car up in front of the school and we'll bring your child right out to you.
  • If your child does NOT attend Extended Day, please arrive to pick them up no later than 2:45pm. Students who have not been picked up by 2:45pm may be taken to Extended Day, where additional fees from the school may apply.


PVPV Rawlings Elementary

  • KidzArt Classes at PVPV take place on Thursdays from 3-4pm.
  • When school dismisses, KidzArt students will gather outside under the PV Pavilion, where they will meet their KidzArt instructor for attendance. They will then walk as a group to the Rawlings Building for class.
  • At 4pm, students who are in the extended day program will be escorted back to their extended day classrooms, and any child that is to be picked up will be escorted by their KidzArt instructor to the parent pick up loop at the RAWLINGS Building. Just pull your car up in front of the school where you see other cars lining up and we'll bring your child right out to you.
  • If your child does NOT attend Extended Day, please arrive to pick them up no later than 4:10pm. Students who have not been picked up by 4:10pm may be taken to Extended Day, where additional fees from the school may apply.


Timberlin Creek Elementary

  • KidzArt Classes at TCE take place on Mondays from 3-4pm
  • When school dismisses, all after-school enrichment students will meet their instructor in the cafeteria, where we will take attendance before escorting students to our classroom.
  • At 4pm, students who are in the extended day program will return back to their extended day classrooms and any child that is to be picked up will be escorted by their KidzArt instructor to the BUS LOOP (to the RIGHT of the school entrance). Just pull up into that area and we'll be sure to get your child to you as you pull forward.
  • If your child does NOT attend Extended Day, please arrive to pick them up no later than 4:10pm. Students who have not been picked up by 4:10pm may be taken to Extended Day, where additional fees from the school may apply.


Valley Ridge Academy

  • KidzArt Classes at VRA take place on Wednesdays from 2:15-3:15pm.
  • When school dismisses, all after-school enrichment students will meet their instructor in the cafeteria, where we will take attendance before escorting students to our classroom.
  • At 4pm, students who are in the extended day program will return back to their extended day classrooms and any child that is to be picked up will be escorted by their KidzArt instructor to the Parent Pick Up loop (to the RIGHT of the school entrance). Just pull up into that area and we'll be sure to get your child to you as you pull forward.
  • If your child does NOT attend Extended Day, please arrive to pick them up no later than 3:25pm. Students who have not been picked up by 3:25pm may be taken to Extended Day, where additional fees from the school may apply.



  • What is your Tax ID/EIN number?
    • Our Federal EIN is 99-1552451
  • Where do the After-School classes take place?
    • Each of our schools provides us with a designated classroom for our classes. See the School Procedures tab for information specific to your child's school.
  • Does my child need to bring anything to class?
    • No need to bring anything! All materials will be provided by your child’s instructor.
  • Do the projects repeat?
    • No. Every week is a new project! And each year is different, so your child can enjoy KidzArt after-school classes year after year!
  • What if a class is canceled?
    • Cancellations are very rare, and usually only occur due to extreme weather. If school is cancelled, then our classes would be cancelled as well. If a class were to be cancelled for some reason, we notify all parents via text message and email as early as possible so that alternate arrangements can be made.
  • How do I pay?
    • You can pay online by credit card when you register! We also have monthly payment plans available at check-out.
  • What is your cancellation policy?
    • We stand by our classes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If your child does not have a great time, and you decide to withdraw within the first two weeks of an after-school class, or after the first day of a summer camp, we will issue you a full refund.
    • We do not issue refunds for non-attendance (i.e. sick days, vacations, etc...) Our classes have a limited number of spaces available, so each student enrolled has a guaranteed reserved spot which cannot be resold to any other students. Similar to the Extended Day programs at our schools, we still have to purchase the same amount of supplies and staff the same employees, regardless of student attendance.
    • If your family's schedule changes midway through a semester, we may be able to offer a refund of the future unattended classes if we can replace your child with another student on the waitlist. These refunds will carry a $15 Cancellation fee, to cover our non-refundable credit card fees and school rental charges.
    • All payment plan cancellations will carry a $15 cancellation fee